Don't let water quality testing slow you down. Benchtop Tester is compact, easy to use, and provides reliable results for multiple parameters. For more, visit L...
Pocket Dissolved Oxygen Tester; Dissolved Oxygen Range-0-0-to-20-0-mg-l-or-ppm; Dissolved Oxygen Accuracy-plusmn-0-5-mg-l; % of Saturation Of Oxygen-0-0-to-200-...
Benchtop Conductivity Meter ; Conductivity Measurement Range: 0-20-0-200-0-2000-micro-s-cm-200-0-ms-cm; Conductivity Accuracy-plusmn-1-f-s;Visit Online at Lab...
Digital Ultrasonic cleaners typically have a digital display that allows users to set and adjust cleaning time, temperature, and other parameters for precise an...
Get the most out of your project with professional-grade UV Trans Illuminators from our comprehensive selection. Quality products and affordable prices – shop...
With its advanced optics and user-friendly design, Trans Illuminator & Imaging System from Labozon is the perfect choice for researchers and scientists....
Q-Gene Thermal Cyclers: Capacity: 16-times-0-2-ml, 4-times-4-layout; Tube: 0-2-ml, single-tube; Temperature Range: 4-to-100; For more, visit!...
Dual Block Thermal Cyclers; Capacity: 96 times 0-2-ml; Temperature Range: 0-to-100; Heating Rate: 5 s; Cooling Rate: 4 s; Uniformity: le-plusmn: 0-2; For more i...