Register with hiremee and get access to 3 lacs + freshers on board with pre-assessed candidates.Hiremee is an online job portal that brings students and compani...
Browse through thousands of jobs based on your skill set and apply for your dream job with just a click.More than 2000+ top companies are registered with HireMe...
Hiremee is an online portal which links students and companies in a single platform.We give campus recruitment assistance to the colleges....
Hiremee is an AI-driven app based assessment platform which tests your skills and it helps you to know about your strengths and also to employers for hiring the...
HireMee is a CSR initiative with a strong presence across India that links corporates and college students on a common platform....
Are you looking for an online assessment test for a job? Hiremee is a leading web portal that aims to bridge the gap between students and companies...